Frequently Asked Questions


1. Do I have to come into Mr. Woodworth’s Office to start my case?
NO—You may phone to discuss case arrangements, and complete retaining agreements either by FAX or e-mail.

2. Does Mr. Woodworth have payment plans available?
YES—He will discuss payment plans with you as well as other payment and service options.

3. Can Mr. Woodworth evaluate my case for free over the phone?
YES—Although an office appointment is preferred, you may phone Mr. Woodworth who will provide a complete FREE evaluation.

4. Do I have to pay for a Trial if I don’t want to do that?
NO—Mr. Woodworth will analyze your case, and discuss options including working on the case in stages to keep the costs down.

5. If I do need a Trial, can Mr. Woodworth handle it for me?
YES—He has been handling criminal Trials for more than 30 years and will give you superior criminal defense representation.

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